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A Thanksgiving Challenge

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Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday – hands down. For me it’s a day that I spend with family enjoying a good meal, usually lots of laughter, and just “hanging out” together.  I am blessed that I have much to be grateful for. One of the things I enjoy most is spending time with my adult kids. Even when they were younger, I tried to spend more time listening to them rather than talking. I find I learn so much if I just listen, and for someone who enjoys talking, that can sometimes be challenging 🙂  They are all very different in their personalities and their perspectives. Each time I take the opportunity to talk less and listen more, I learn something. However, I am not afraid to challenge their thinking and ask what led them to that comment or position. I also want them to know that it is okay to challenge each other’s thinking – including mine.  I want them to be critical thinkers, research, and to understand the issues that they are talking about. Now, if they are just talking about their favorite musician, book, or pie (chocolate over pumpkin for me), my preference over yours doesn’t require a lot of research!

In my business, I work with clients and companies to do just that:  listen to ideas and opinions of others, gather information, and consider thoughts and feelings, and evaluating the impact before making decisions. 

This Thanksgiving, and over the holiday season, I would like to challenge each of you: Make a conscious effort to listen to each other. If you disagree with something being said, ask more questions.  Don’t simply argue your position. Dive deeper. Attempt to understand a different perspective. Be naturally curious!  Be respectful.  Open your hearts, open your minds, and truly listen.  At the end of the day, you may not change your mind, or theirs, but perhaps you’ll have a greater understanding and perhaps an enhanced viewpoint.  Don’t let differences divide us. Embrace them and be better.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!