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Create more clarity by understanding what you and your team need to move forward to achieve greater success.

Behavioral Assessments

I have been an Insights® Discovery Practitioner for over 10 years. I know how the Discovery profile helps teams and individuals improve performance, communication, sales skills, and overall relationships. There are many good assessment programs and often companies have their employees take the profile and then aren’t always sure how to work with the profile once complete. I can help get the best out of most psychometric programs to really add value to the organization and to the individual.

Performance Coaching

Coaching is called many things and comes in many shapes and styles but it boils down to improving performance. Owners, Presidents, Managers, Supervisors, Individuals all need coaching. It is not a one time event and should be ongoing. Getting to the heart of the desired outcomes and working with the individual to develop a plan for growth is key.

Professional Facilitation for Groups & Leadership Teams

Strategic planning can be a challenge alone and having an objective facilitator can make the difference between having a productive or a non-productive strategy session. I work to understand and define key objectives then deliver strong facilitation skills that elicit honesty from the group to ensure successful outcomes.

Management and Leadership Development Programs

Does your company promote employees from within and then fail to train them on how to move from individual performer to manager? Then you are like most organizations. Managers need to understand how they can be successful in their new role and be provided with tools to help their development. Formal training and workshops can give managers the tools they need; all customized to your company.

Leadership development programs can be incorporated as a formal process and/or created through informal opportunities. Lynne Ryan Coaching & Consulting can help determine what is right for you.

Team Building

Sometimes having the right people isn’t always enough. Teams often need to learn how best to work together. Different personalities and work styles can cause conflict. While conflict can be good and is often necessary, understanding how to make the most of team dynamics builds a stronger workplace.

All services are available for delivery in a virtual setting